Do you work in a healthcare establishment?
Find out in 30 minutes why you should switch to a project portfolio management tool to ensure the success of your projects!
The toolbox for your projects: IT request management, resource management, risk management, budget management...
Project Monitor is a software package already used by some 20 healthcare establishments, including CHU, CHRU, GHT, etc.
Mickaël MALLET, PMO at the Loiret GHT Digital Services Department"All new applications are presented in project application reviews, even if they have not yet been processed. We highlight all new requests so that we can position ourselves, to know if we're continuing to study the request or we already know if they're going to be refused straight away. The Project Opportunity Sheet can take as little as two hours to complete, or as long as several weeks.
Vous travaillez au sein d’une collectivité ? Découvrez les fonctionnalités utiles pour mettre en œuvre votre feuille de route numérique ! Découvrez en 30 minutes pourquoi passer à un outil de pilotage de portefeuille projets !
Découvrez comment obtenir une vision centralisée de tous vos plans, vos axes et vos actions ! Explorez les fonctions clés de Perf Monitor et posez vos questions.