Easily manage your projects within your healthcare facility.

Discover our solutions, already adopted by more than 20 healthcare organizations.

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Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé Pilotage Strategie


The most common pitfalls encountered by CIO & PMO in the hospital sector 

  • Gain insight into hundreds of projects ranging from new digital services to the convergence of HIS bricks
  • Standardize project management tools and processes as much as possible between the various GHT member establishments.
  • Make the right IT investment choices to meet the hospital's needs, while respecting budget constraints
  • Ensure effective communication between different teams, including medical staff, administrators and project teams
  • Gain visibility over the workload of your IT teams, who often find themselves over-staffed.


Software publisher + integrator, our teams can help you manage your project portfolio.

  • New processes and an organization based on a project portfolio management culture
  • Visibility on the key points of each project (schedule, budgets, resources, bottlenecks...)
  • A solution capable of integrating with your hospital IS: financial tool, HR tool, ITSM tool, BI, etc.
  • Consultants to help you implement the software and train your staff
  • Access to a community platform and regular Portfolio Management events to exchange ideas with other users of our solutions.


Manage your healthcare facility's projects with a single software package

Opt for a scalable solution. The software is capable of addressing all challenges project portfolio management issues (costs, deadlines, workloads, risks, governance, etc.).


Rely on our experience with over 20 healthcare institutions

Discover real-life examples from healthcare establishments. Take advantage of fun training sessions with our consultants to get to grips with the tool.


Enter into a long-term relationship with our community of over 250 customers

Join our community platform. Discover workshops, webinars and annual events. You'll get regular feedback from CIO, PMO & Project Managers!

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"All new GHT IT requests are presented in project request reviews with the Project Monitor software."

Mickaël MALLET, PMO at the Loiret GHT Digital Services Department

"PPM software provides visibility on internal projects and related workload".

Sébastien Barthélémy
CIO Centre Hospitalier du Vinatier

"Project Monitor supports us in governance via consolidated dashboards. Quickly and dynamically, the cockpits reflect the situation and evolution of the portfolio".

Jean-Christophe CALVO, Director of Information Systems, CHRU Nancy and GHT Sud Lorraine

Project Monitor The key to your projects' success.

outil de pilotage projet santé
  • Stop "launching projects in the dark": Collection and arbitration of requests in a single tool, vision shared by all (IT, Business, DG) in the form of dashboards of upcoming projects and requests.
  • Say no to over-staffing of IT teams: Clearer visibility of your teams' workloads with resource planning tools
  • Adjust project management practices by setting up project weather forecasts, flash reports, project progress and risk monitoring.
  • Facilitate project portfolio reviews during steering meetings to track monitoring and performance indicators


How to manage requests for integration into the IT project portfolio?

Watch the feedback from the Loiret GHT with Project Monitor !

Access the replay :

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Do you need large-scale management of your strategic, financial and non-financial performance plans?

Then choose Perf Monitor, the strategic plan management software.

outil de pilotage projet santé

The benefits of our SEM software for healthcare organizations

  • Model plans, assign objectives, create and track performance indicators, take responsibility, manage and secure.
  • Collect key indicators in real time from managers in charge of strategic execution
  • Accelerate the circulation of strategic information, to implement orientations (Top Down) and consolidate achievements (Bottom Up).
  • Secure decision-making by guaranteeing clear audit trails
  • Leading and informing the decisions of your strategic bodies and committees

"Perf Monitor has enabled us to pilot - in record time - Contracts of Objectives and Means in all the Regional Health Agencies.

Odile Jamet, ARS Information System Manager - French Ministry of Health

Solutions published by Virage Group


  • French publisher and integrator for 20 years
  • Customized implementation support
  • Targeted, progressive activation of application functions according to your needs
  • Teams in Nantes, Paris & Madrid
  • 250+ private & public sector customers
  • A strong customer community : user club, masterclasses, conferences
  • Some 20 customers in the healthcare sector
  • UGAP / C.A.I.H referenced
  • QUALIOPI integration & certification service
outil de pilotage projet santé


Contact us!

Discover VIRAGE Group software for Project Portfolio Management & Strategic Planning

outil de pilotage projet santé

We will contact you within 24 hours
to understand your needs and answer your initial questions.

outil de pilotage projet santé

We organize a personalized demonstration
a 1st exploration of the key points of our offer targeting your challenges


We are looking forward to...
implementation, training, useful resources to advance your management by project and objectives