Your management challenges at the heart of our software and services

Depuis 20 ans, ce sont plus de 200 organisations relèvent leurs défis de pilotage avec nos logiciels et nos équipes. Au fil des implémentations, nous avons interrogé, peaufiné et enrichi nos offres. C’est un processus d’amélioration continue de nos logiciels et de nos services au bénéfice de nos clients.

VIRAGE was developed with and for our customers. All these experiences have forged and inspired our fundamentals:

  • Notre vision: Améliorer l’efficacité des équipes qui bâtissent le futur
  • Notre mission : Accompagner les organisations dans le pilotage des portefeuilles projets et des plans stratégiques​


Two scalable solutions with implementation tailored to your business needs and different levels of team maturity.


A methodology mastered for over 20 years to turn your strategic plans and operational projects into reality.


DGS, DGA, DG, DSI, PMO, Directeur de la​ transformation… Partagez vos bonnes pratiques et échangez avec vos pairs sur vos enjeux communs.​

Editeur français indépendant, à travers le monde





Our Consulting DNA at your service

Virage Group started out as a management consultancy. We observed that our customers needed to monitor multiple projects. The solutions proposed were always complicated to use and implement. We decided to become a software publisher, while retaining our consulting DNA. Our software is simple and intuitive, and our training courses are not focused on "How does it work?" but on "How are you going to be able to use it in your business?"




+ de 200

happy customers


of customer satisfaction


The committed team at Virage Group provides you with personalized support through a variety of media.

Le meilleur laboratoire de nos logiciels sera toujours ses utilisateurs. L’implication auprès des clients permet à Virage Group de constater au plus près ce qui marche, ce qui ne marche pas et de collecter les attentes vis à vis des logiciels.

Virage Group réunit régulièrement ses clients dans le cadre de club utilisateur et met à disposition un accès au site communautaire.

"We have divided by 3 the time spent on the production of our project reviews".

Jean-Pierre Warion, 

Manager of the Microcomputing and Messaging Department CIO

"We have saved 1 day a week on project management control".

Sandrine Chabannes,

Head of Accounting, Contracts unit

"We have reduced the overall duration of logistics programs and projects by 30%".

Stéphane Gravit,

Logistics Development Manager - Projects


Customized support from our teams throughout the project

Our teams work with you to secure the deployment of your PPM approach. A needs assessment is carried out through a document review and workshops with users. Designing together means transcribing your requirements into the software, and defining its integration into the information system in the case of installations. We then run training sessions to ensure that users are fully operational on the entire management system.

Virage Group is Qualiopi-certified, enabling it to benefit from public or mutualized funding (from the State, Pôle Emploi, OPCO, CPF, Caisse des dépôts, etc.).


Your first steps with our solutions: a personalized meeting to get to know your business and your objectives.


This kick-off is followed by business workshops to implement the software as closely as possible to your needs.


Our support doesn't stop there. We provide you with webinars to present new developments, access to the technical support tool and access to the community site.


Access comprehensive expertise: testimonials, workshops, round tables, masterclasses

Throughout the year, we organize webinars and masterclasses with our customers to share their feedback. You can also take part in Virage Days, a series of testimonials, expertise and workshops, which connect project and action plan managers. Combining conferences, workshops and networking, this event brings together experts in IT, PPM and project management.

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Book your demo

Discover VIRAGE Group software for Project Portfolio Management & Strategic Planning

We will contact you within 24 hours
to understand your needs and answer your initial questions.

We organize a personalized demonstration
a 1st exploration of the key points of our offer targeting your challenges

We are looking forward to...
implementation, training, useful resources to advance your management by project and objectives

100% of our customers started with a demo

Chronopost customer logo
Wurth - ppm supermarket industry
Bordeaux Metropole logo
Mousquetaires - Intermarché - logo PPM PMO logistics