Project MonitorPPM software - Project portfolio management

Make it easier to monitor your project portfolio and organize your teams

Put an end to Excel and the accumulation of various project management tools!

With Project Monitor, manage all your projects from a single online platform. Simplify your staff's work:

  • Project planning (gantt, kanban, risks, budgets, etc.)
  • Team management
  • Dashboard
  • Portfolio management
ppm project portfolio management software

PPM tool approved by over 250 public and private organizations

Kuhn - ppm CIO group
Alptis - Group Strategic Portfolio Management
Eurométropole de Strasbourg - project portfolio management CIO
CHRU Nancy - PMO GHT Projects
Inextenso group digital project portfolio management
ppm project management tool
project planning

Workload monitoring and work facilitation

project follow-up

Visibility on the key points of each project

project dashboards

Leading your meetings: project follow-up and portfolio reviews

CIO it project management

Manage all your IT projects and your teams' workloads

pmo project management tool

Facilitate collaborative working and information sharing

steering the master plan

Get a complete overview of the progress of your strategic projects

Send reports to track progress, identify problems and share good news.

Whatever the frequency, reports are essential to keep everyone in the loop.

ppm project reporting

Their success,
Our pride

project management

DPD Group
Project management for the IT teams responsible for developing new digital products for the transport, tracking and delivery of parcels.

monitoring ght projects

CHRU de Nancy
Digital convergence support for the GHT of Lorraine's 11 healthcare establishments

project governance

Ile & Vilaine
Aligning business departments and steering the IT master plan for the benefit of citizens

Find out how to keep track of your projects

Let's build your vision now. Choose the right software for your needs.

presentation brochure project monitor

Download our presentation to discover the tool's functionalities

A project management tool recognized for its efficiency

wurth logo

"We have divided by 3 the time spent on the production of our project reviews".

Jean-Pierre Warion, 

Manager of the Microcomputing and Messaging Department CIO

Mousquetaires - Intermarché - PPM - PMO - Logistics

"We have reduced the overall duration of logistics programs and projects by 30%".

Stéphane Gravit,

Logistics Development Manager - Projects

"We have saved 1 day per week on project management control".

Sandrine Chabannes,

Head of Accounting, Contracts unit

"In my role as strategic coordinator, I'm sure I have all the information I need for the COPIL thanks to Project Monitor: progress on projects, time spent, availability of teams. This gives me greater peace of mind. Information is centralized!

Pauline Raspail Strategic Program Manager, HDS Habitat

+ Over 50 possible integrations !

project management software integrations