How can you manage your roadmap with Project Monitor ?

Is your roadmap clear, aligned with your strategy and ambition, and a destination that motivates your teams? You've had your fill of best practices, ideas and advice from Noveane... Now what? How about a steering solution to help you reach your destination?

Discover how Project Monitor can help you take your projects to the destination of your dreams:

  • How do you transpose your Roadmap into Project Monitor ?
  • How can you make your Roadmap coexist with the other projects in your portfolio?
  • How can you apply the best practices of the PMO and steering expert in Project Monitor ?

Whether you're looking for a lever to accelerate your Roadmap, this webinar is for you!
Project Monitor is a PPM platform that will boost your management, whatever your level of maturity!
(In fact, it's a great way to boost your practices and achieve excellence).

  • 100% tool
  • 100% practical
  • 100% online

At the helm of this Masterclass:

amandine guilloux sales manager virage group       maxime commercial business engineer virage group

  • Amandine GUILLOUX - Sales Manager
  • Maxime CERDAN - Pre-sales engineer / Expert Project Monitor

Access the replay

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