Implementing a PPM tool: how to turn your employees into users?

Virtual round table "How to turn your staff into users of your management platform" at challenges . How do you move from the "build" phase of setting up the management platform to the "run" phase, and ensure long-term buy-in from project leaders, PMOs, managers and other action plan managers?

The program

  • Why switch to a PPM tool?
  • Employee support for time recording
  • Maintain momentum and train users

→ 3 viewpoints, 3 uses, 3 key testimonials on change management

ppm software user implementation round table

🎙Au micro

  • Laure Omnes - PMO at DPD Group - 2nd largest parcel delivery network in Europe, including DPDFrance and Chropost
  • Vincent Decorde - Rouen Métropole - Information Systems Master Plan Project Manager
  • Sebastien THOUVENIN - Parteam - CIO timeshare, CIO transition