Schéma Directeur IT 2027, what lessons can be learned from the Centre Val de Loire Region's previous plan?

What lessons can we draw from the last Information Systems Master Plan to launch the one that will guide our digital action until 2027?

The answer is a 60-minute webinar with the Centre Val de Loire Region's Information Systems Department.

60 minutes to discover the lessons to be learned to build the next roadmap with CIO, Frédéric DAUDIN and Mireille BUSSON - Head of Research and Applications.

Lessons from 5 years of digital initiatives

In 2021, the master plan code-named POSI will come to an end. For 5 years, the Information Systems Optimization Plan has structured IT projects around 3 strategic axes:

  • digital services for the region and its residents
  • high-performance regional e-administration
  • an agile, secure and adapted IS

And what a sequence!

New skills, 1,000 employees teleworking on a massive scale, growing demand for digital services, cyber-crime on the rise...

Despite a number of setbacks, including a global pandemic, the majority of projects identified in 2016 were completed or launched.

So, for the next master plan, it's simple: copy/paste the POSI?

Butterfly minutes... 60 minutes to be precise. It's not that simple!

On the program for the testimonial webinar:

For 60 minutes, we invite you into the heart of the thinking behind CIO. While it can boast major advances, the situation has changed. And CIO intends to do even better in its new mandate. Before looking ahead to the next phase, CIO will share with us the lessons learned from the POSI. What has worked well, what can be improved, what needs to be reviewed...

  • Portrait of a region where digital technology is a strategic lever for political action
  • Key points of the previous master plan
  • Three levels of governance: strategic, budgetary, operational
  • The challenge of a continuous flow of requests
  • What about the professions involved in these projects? How can we meet our objectives?
  • How can we move from a thematic approach to one based on strategy?
  • What if it were to be (re)done?


Take the microphone for this immersion in CIO :

  • The strategist: Frédéric DAUDIN - Chief Information OfficerCIO - Frédéric DAUDIN
  • The tactician: Mireille BUSSON - Head of Research and Applications Department

PMO - Head of Research and Applications Mireille Busson


Why view the webcast?

  • 60 minutes of immersion with two digital managers
  • This is an opportunity to draw inspiration from what really works for your IT Master Plan.

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