The HDS Habitat teams share their experience of project management and the benefits of a Project Portfolio Management solution like Project Monitor.
Tiphaine Birmingham: Sponsor and Deputy General Manager in charge of the Tenant Life and Service Quality Department
"Since Project Monitor , project managers have been able to concentrate on their added value rather than on the "administrative" part of project management. Exchanges are more qualitative because the CP concentrates on the elements he wants to challenge and share."
"The tool prepares the points to be arbitrated, the schedules to be followed, the resources to be used. The tool structures project management. Project managers can concentrate on their added value, such as analysis, supplements and follow-up."
" Project Monitor lets you zoom in from the top for management's strategic vision, then zoom out to the operational for project managers."
Pauline Raspail - Strategic Program Leader and Customer Culture Deployment Manager
"I no longer have to run around looking for information. In my role as strategic pilot, I'm sure I'll have all the information I need for the COPIL thanks to Project Monitor. It gives me greater peace of mind. Information is centralized and reliable.
Ousmane Thiam: Project Manager "Bringing IS support to our local sites - The Proxinavette".
"Before, we didn't have a project management tool. We used Excel, Teams, etc. With Project Monitor , we can easily find information with just a few clicks. We no longer have to worry about the right file version. Project Monitor harmonizes project management practices and facilitates exchanges."
Pierre Marchi - HR Training Project Manager and Internal Trainer Project Monitor
"We drew inspiration from the virage training program to bring it in-house. The Virage supports are also very useful "post-training", with the knowledge center, videos, tutorials..."
"If I could give one piece of advice to a company wishing to implement a project portfolio management tool, it would be to communicate the "why", the context, the expected benefits, and to take stock of project management practices. Before going into detail on the specifics of the "
Jean-François Bichet -- Construction Manager
"I could have a specialized project management tool dedicated to construction. But what interests me with Project Monitor is sharing the tool with other departments and having a global view".
Hauts-de-Seine Habitat is the department's leading social landlord.
"Our aim is to increase the supply and quality of housing in the département, with a constant focus on social diversity and urban balance.
Haut de Seine Habitat in a few figures: