Arbitrer les projets, c’est LA décision clé du pilotage de portefeuille de projets. De nombreuses entreprises ont du mal à trouver l’équilibre entre liste croissante de nouveaux projets, projets en cours et capacités de financement insuffisantes. Quel projet faut-il lancer ? Plus précisément quels projets intégrer au portefeuille de projets ? Comment prioriser les projets les uns par rapport aux autres ? Car sans vouloir spoiler la suite, l’arbitrage projet sera avant tout une décision de renoncement à des projets. Le bureau des projets ou le PMO enregistre plus de demandes que son entreprise est capable de réaliser. Les moyens manquent plus que les idées…
As a result, you want to make the best decision regarding the allocation of project resources. It's worth noting that the management of project requests is often cited by our customers as a process that has been drastically improved thanks to the PPM platform.
Un logiciel de pilotage de portefeuille projets comme Project Monitor permet de construire automatiquement un graphique et de changer les axes analysés (budget, finance, risque, valeur, échéance, …). C’est aussi un outil très utile pour arbitrer les projets, réunir projets en cours et demandes de projets. Plusieurs fonctionnalités vous aident à prendre les bonnes décisions.
During your project reviews, it's essential to track the progress of the various monitoring indicators : schedule budget and resources, using appropriate evaluation tools.
A classic Project Portfolio Management tool can be used to bring together several decision keys: the bubble graph. It can be used to combine the keys of interest and the means to be mobilized. It also makes it easy to compare projects with one another. This 3-axis graph (x-axis, y-axis, bubble size) visualizes the project portfolio and candidate projects.
The aim is to provide a macro view of projects at a given date. The information to be completed for the committee is pre-filled according to a standard template, with the essential kpis. The project manager carries out his reporting and updates his project indicators. Data is consolidated in real time.
From the portfolio dashboard, you can create governance bodies and animate them via a web slideshow. The slideshow can be configured to display the state of health of each project in the portfolio. With Project Monitor, the project session minutes are automatically generated and can be shared directly with collaborators.
L’enjeu du projet : pourquoi cette demande arrive en arbitrage dans le pilotage du portefeuille projets ? La description du pourquoi, de l’objectif doivent primer sur la façon d’y répondre. Exprimer un besoin plutôt qu’une réponse « produit projet ». La réponse peut sensiblement différer à ce qu’on avait initialement envisagé. La soumission d’une demande doit permettre plusieurs réponses projets.
It's the purpose of the project that will also inform the interest in carrying out a project. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
To make these criteria objective, and thus enable prioritization according to the "challenge" axis, we can rely on "scoring" grids. The MAREVA method provides a reference framework for analyzing the value of a digital project, enabling projects to be positioned relative to one another.
The simple act of questioning is already a real plus. It allows us to get out of the "ask / do" cognitive rut, which is often biased by the "news" effect, the "authority" effect, the "decibel" effect.
Project Monitor allows you to define customized project or request sheets according to your needs. You can create all the analysis and prioritization criteria you need: strategic interest, level of risk, ROI, etc.
Each applicant updates his or her project before the prioritization meeting. Updates can be tracked in real time, according to user rights.
Depending on your organization's maturity, size and processes, candidate projects can follow a workflow-driven validation process.
Our Project Monitor solution allows you to create customized forms to describe your project requests and formalize their challenges :
The balance of the project portfolio is measured on its support points:
Arbitration must ensure that projects are evenly distributed. For example, are projects contributing to the strategic axis of sustainable development sufficient or are they surplus to requirements? In the case of territorial impact, the question may also arise as to the proportionality of project investments from a geographical point of view.
We can also, as an industrial customer does, take a look at the time axis. Time measures not the duration of the project, but the expected impact of the project:
This reading grid is designed to ensure that we are preparing for the future. If you don't have any long-term profit projects in your portfolio, this is a danger signal. Short-term pressure tends to postpone, endlessly, decisions that will prepare the future. Long-term projects are the ones that will create tomorrow's value. Depending on the sector, innovation and investment are just as crucial as optimization.
Here is an initial list of questions to help "rough out" the decision, and which will need to be clarified in the event of a favorable decision:
These risk analysis grids depend on the sector of activity. An approach based on a list of questions is an effective practice. It can also be combined with a scoring system. Relative project risk scoring is more interesting than absolute scoring. In other words, compare two projects with each other: which is riskier? Enriching risk questioning grids with "Rexes" (project feedback) is a useful practice. Finally, when in doubt, it's a good idea to get an outside perspective on a project. In particular, to question the benefits of the project.
The second area is project implementation. This is the axis of project feasibility. From the point of view of the "project triangle", it's the analysis of the "costs" / "deadlines" summits.
In concrete terms, this means :
Project selection will also be based on economic criteria. Project budgets cannot be stretched to the limit, even if the value added can help finance unplanned projects. So choices will have to be made (and projects that are too expensive will have to be abandoned). The financial aspect of prioritization will depend on the culture and activity of the organization. In IT and building departments, for example, projects are at the heart of the business, and budgets are built for and around them. Project prioritization is therefore a two-stage process:
Budgets are drawn up on the basis of an inventory of future projects, a financial estimate, and sometimes several scenarios. The structure or management will therefore first have a global negotiation phase to acquire resources for the project portfolio. Next, the resources are allocated to the projects. This allocation will be the subject of a second, more unitary arbitration, integrating the progress and financial execution of current projects.
This financially-informed arbitration process relies on a large amount of data that needs to be structured:
A dashboard allows you to drill down into the details of each project to understand and analyze current projects.
This project-by-project analysis enables you to highlight non-compliant budget situations and quickly identify problems in the current and forecasted financial years. Simply unfold this project to understand the expenditure items that make up this batch.
If you have dealt with the elements in the order of the document, you have: a project aligned with the strategy, with identified impacts, with possible financing... that leaves the question of the project team:
Do you have the resources to carry out the project? This question can be asked from two angles:
The answer on capacity will be all the more precise if you have established :
Sinon il reste l’incantation « ça devrait passer » mais elle n’apporte pas la meilleure garantie. Un logiciel de pilotage de projets vous permet de gérer sereinement la capacité de vos ressources projet. Passez à la planification proactive de vos projets !
Project membership: the final key to project prioritization?
If there's still any doubt at this stage, a visit to schedule will complete the "go / no go" decision process.
A project is never carried out in a "bubble". It is carried out among other projects. And while these other projects can compete with budgets and resource allocations, they are sometimes direct "predecessors" or "influencers". This is where the notion of rendezvous and milestones in project dependency comes into play.
The decision may therefore be "yes", but not right away. This delay is motivated by :
Multi-Gantt projections of the project portfolio will shed some very interesting light on this subject.
Le logiciel de pilotage de portefeuille Project Monitor vous offre la possibilité d’articuler votre plan de charge par rapport à la capacité de vos ressources pour une meilleure affectation des activités récurrentes, gestion des congés et absences et planification des projets. L’outil de planification des ressources Projet Monitor vous propose une nouvelle génération de planning automatique avec une mise à jour en temps réel. Cet outil d’accompagnement de gestion des ressources vous alerte en permanence des sous effectifs et des sureffectifs.
We have explored the variables and decision keys for arbitrating projects. The aim of this inventory is to reduce the uncertainty involved in prioritizing projects. It remains a complex process that involves a certain amount of "gambling".
Project Monitor is designed for organizations with more than 50 employees and over 100 active projects. Simplify your project management with an all-in-one tool: multi-project dashboards, workload planning, schedule, tasks, IT request tracking, and budget monitoring. Discover the features of Project Monitor through a personalized live demonstration with one of our experts.
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With the development of the project mode, organizations have to manage hundreds of simple or complex projects. It's not possible to keep track of these projects one by one. So it's natural to group them into project portfolios for better management. In this article, you'll find advice on how to build your project portfolio.
To manage requests for new projects to be included in the portfolio, it's important to establish a clear, structured process. Receive project requests and assess their relevance to the organization's strategic objectives. Analyze the potential benefits, resources required, risks and impact on the existing portfolio. Find out more in this article on How to manage project requests.