Forecasts for challenges CIO in 2022: what's in store for them according to CHRU Nancy & In Extenso

In 2020, they shared with us their digital challenges posed by the health crisis. The IT Directors of In Extenso & CHRU de Nancy are back to talk to us about challenges for their CIO in 2022.
What will be the flagship projects for 2022? What role will cybersecurity play in the IT master plan? How can we cope with the shortage of IT profiles?

In this article, discover the highlights of this virtual round table, which looks to the future of CIO !

To watch the full interview, click here:

The two CIO at the microphone to talk about their challenges

Stéphane JULLIEN
IT Strategy Director

Jean-Christophe CALVO
Department Manager
Département territorial de la Transformation Numérique et de l'Ingénierie Biomédicale Hôpital Central
CHRU de Nancy

[SPOILER] In 2021, we had the honor of being among the targets of one of the three biggest cyber-attacks. So needless to say, the challenge is behind me and the vigilance ahead... And I have other challenges to face! [/SPOILER]

Stéphane JULLIEN

challenges CIO survey according to participants

In addition to interviewing the two CIO witnesses of the day, we took the opportunity to interview participants in this interactive event.

Interview with CIO Nancy CHRU & In Extenso on challenges CIO 2022

To understand their challenges for 2022, here is a portrait of CIO in a few key figures:

Key figures from CIO :

🏥 CHRU de Nancy - Territorial Department of Digital Transformation and Biomedical Engineering

Our department combines the IT and Biomedical functions. These two activities are merged to exploit data. After all, all devices and software generate data. And managing this mass data is a decisive challenge. We also include medical and administrative support, functions that are undergoing radical transformation as a result of digital technology.

Jean-Christophe CALVO

Key figures from CIO :

📈 In Extenso - Information Systems Director

Digital technology plays a very important role in our business. We are also a software publisher. And contrary to what you might think, accounting and payroll are not static universes. They're constantly evolving, particularly with the Finance Act, the Social Security Act and all the aid schemes introduced by the government. As a result, our software is constantly evolving.

Stéphane JULLIEN

Les challenges CIO clés de 2022 dans le domaine médical @CHRU de Nancy

The main challenges facing the Nancy CHRU in 2022 :

If you put all our archives end to end, that's 42 linear km... So you'll need a lot of breath to find a patient file! We hope to take advantage of the move of our archives within the next two years to pursue our zero-paper policy. This is directly linked to the Patient File. Our policy is already in place for incoming data, and we're going to complete it with the digitization of data that makes sense and is only present in paper format.

Jean-Christophe CALVO

IS convergence - Electronic Patient Record

The Patient File is part of the ambitious IS convergence program of the Groupement Hospitalier Territorial. This pooling of the 11 information systems of the region's establishments into a single solution for each functional area represents an investment of 17 million euros. This convergence is well advanced, and will be completed by 2022. Since 2016 the state has been asking healthcare establishments to converge their information systems. With this in mind, there are still a number of major issues to be finalized, even if the government has revised its requirements in terms of convergence implementation deadlines.

Each hospital has its own practices. For example, some caregivers administer care in capsules, while others administer it in milligrams: the software records it as such; a common form can then really change patient practices. We need to reach a consensus on the principle of convergence, because ultimately there is only one form for all facilities.

👉 Our challenge will be to deploy the common base within the GHT - groupements hospitaliers de territoires

Digitization of paper archive files

The roadmap calls for the archive building to be moved within two years. The new hospital will be built on the current archive site. This is an opportunity to pursue the paperless policy. The various flows - incoming with items brought in by patients or produced within the hospital - will be entirely digital. The transfer of archives poses a number of organizational challenges. This will be turned into an opportunity.

This digitization is also an opportunity to complete this major initiative around data, and to make accessible a mass of useful information for scientific and health research purposes.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, topped our survey of technological opportunities. It's a technology full of promise for the healthcare sector. Nancy's CHRU has been working on the subject for just over three years. And in 2022, the subject will continue to gain momentum.
The first step is to set up data warehouses, which will be further enriched by the Health Data Hub law.

💡 The Plateforme des données de santé (PDS), also known as the Health Data Hub (HDH), was created by decree on November 29, 2019 to facilitate the sharing of health data, from a wide variety of sources in order to promote research. Its creation thus aims to meet the challenge of using algorithmic treatments (known as "artificial intelligence") in the healthcare field).

👉 The rise ofartificial intelligence in healthcare is impressive. The Nancy CHRU organized the 3rd Intelligence Artificielle : l'AI au cœur des territoires forum at the end of November to show just how dynamic this theme is.

It's incredible to see the scope of applications for Artificial Intelligence. We took advantage of Covid to make progress on the study of sleep and its different phases. We demonstrated that the technology is ready and will enable advances. What's missing now is the data to feed the devices.

Jean-Christophe CALVO

💡 Cybersecurity: hospitals more than ever on the front line

Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, computer attacks on French hospitals have multiplied. In 2021, the President of the Republic presented the acceleration of the national cybersecurity strategy. This aims to structure the cyber ecosystem and make it more robust to enable national players to equip themselves with strengthened and sovereign cybersecurity resources.

"Our cybersecurity strategy is set to accelerate. Because we need to go further, faster, be at the forefront. A total of 1 billion euros will be invested. We need to step up training and double the number of jobs in this strategic sector by 2025. Healthcare organizations will be invited to systematically devote 5-10% of their budget to cybersecurity, in particular to maintaining the security of information systems over the long term." Emmanuel Macron.

Chartered accountancy in the digital age challenges in 2022 @In Extenso

Preamble: "Being a CIO is a challenge in itself...".

In Extenso's main challenges :

This is a regulated business. I'm not going to invent a new way of doing accounting or pay slips. We're in a business based on the "cost/volume" ratio. So we're looking for new sources of growth, new services to offer our customers. We're also looking to expand internationally...".

Stéphane JULLIEN

*Obtain standards such as ISO 27000. This standard is particularly relevant to the field of information security. These requirements help organizations to protect sensitive information circulating within their organization. In this way, financial data, personnel information and other important documents can be better managed in the face of threats.

Reducing the burden of technological debt

In Extenso is both a software user and a software publisher. The central role played by IT means that we have a whole technological heritage to manage. And with it the need to manage technological debt.

💡 OutSystems' industry survey published in 2021 examines the cost of technology debt faced by businesses. It reveals that 61% of the 500 IT managers surveyed consider it to be a drag on their company's performance, and 69% consider it to be a fundamental limitation on their ability to innovate ).

In Extenso will continue to invest in the convergence of its solutions:

👉 Investing not only in information processing capabilities, but also in interfaces designed above all for the user.

👉 Supporting companies' digital transformations

With the introduction of new tools such as SaaS software, production times have been considerably reduced. The missions and roles of the professions within finance departments are moving further and further away from management data entry. We need to anticipate and support the digital transformation of these professions.

👉 ManagingIS heterogeneity

It is imperative to have a cross-functional view of the information systems and applications supplying data to companies, and of their interactions. Exploiting this data will help finance teams to carry out effective analysis and refine short- and medium-term projections.

Network reliability and safety:

The French network varies from region to region. In some areas of the country where branches are located, In Extenso has noticed recurrent power cuts. This has a direct impact on sales, bringing a branch's activity to a standstill. In Extenso has therefore launched a major SD-WAN project.

Once this security has been achieved, new network opportunities such as 5G will enable us to implement alternatives to avoid having hundreds of employees at a standstill. After all, by definition, In Extenso's business involves the use of IT.

Cybersecurity, a daily concern for CIO

Cyber threats are at the heart of challenges economic and digital threats for all organizations. The Covid 19 crisis demonstrated that any structure with data can become a target for cyber hackers, first and foremost companies, but also hospitals.

The question is no longer IF we are going to be attacked, but WHEN we are going to be attacked. Cybercrime is a business in its own right, with its own Return On Investment requirements. Setting up an attack is expensive. It has become increasingly sophisticated. Gone are the days of the "symbol" attack and cobbled-together campaigns with a phishing e-mail riddled with spelling mistakes. Criminal organizations are now perfectly structured and focused on making the most of their investment!

Stéphane Jullien

Blocking of information systems, theft and encryption of data... You need to be ready to face up to this event, which can have disastrous consequences for your business (operating losses, loss of partner confidence, etc.) and ultimately threaten to put you out of business.

In Extenso reports 1 million attacks per year!

Hospitals are not spared. The data in a patient file can be bought and sold for up to several thousand euros. There are no scruples, just financial logic.

Jean-Christophe Calvo

A cyber attack targeted part of In Extenso's IT system in 2021. The impact was contained, but at the cost of upstream investment and, above all, the involvement of IT teams to restore digital services and minimize business losses.

Stéphane JULLIEN insists that, despite anticipation, a breach is always possible. We must therefore rely on action plans to be deployed in the event of a crisis, in order to deal with a cyber attack.

The company had delocalized all backups, which enabled them to cope with the attack. Users did not lose any data.

💡 Artificial intelligence: The solution to cyber attacks?

"Nearly 7 out of 10 IT decision-makers believe that, without AI, their organization will not be able to respond to future cyberattacks" (Silicon)

AI will enable us to detect anomalies more accurately, and invent scenarios to respond to threats.

HR challenges for CIO in 2022: Towards a shortage of IT talent?

👉 Retirement brings recruitment needs.

👉Expert profiles are sought (safety, regulations...).

But... the shortage of IT profiles is making itself felt.

The pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of organizations, and the need to acquire IT skills of all kinds has amplified.

Remote working has complicated the war for talent, as telecommuting has become a necessity rather than a recruitment argument!

In a market where experts remain scarce in relation to needs, companies need to redouble their inventiveness to improve their attractiveness.

In-depth work is needed to review recruitment methods and pay scales.


The final word to start 2022?

2022 is going to be an exciting new year. It will enable us to demonstrate that Artificial Intelligence makes sense. It's an exciting subject that will also enable us to address HR issues concerning the attractiveness of IT careers in the hospital environment. The Covid context won't stop us from moving forward. We've shown that we know how to work in this context. 2022 will be a year of realization, and will bring new challenges in 2023.

Jean-Christophe CALVO

2021 has not spared us. Both in terms of cybersecurity and the numerous changes to be integrated into IT with the impact of Covid. So I'm looking forward to a calmer 2022. Nonetheless, I've been working in IT for 25 years now, and it's exciting, with new things and new opportunities all the time. You have to be daring! Launch projects! Launch initiatives. There's no limit to what you can do.
As Lemmy Kilmister once said, "If you think you're too old to rock, you're too old to rock". So, in 2022, we're going to work on the structuring projects in our strategic plan to prepare for the future.

Stéphane JULLIEN

To find out more :

If, like In Extenso and CHRU de Nancy, you would like to equip yourself with a project portfolio management platform, we have drawn up a guide for you:

📖 How to choose PPM software?

👉 Download the white paper 3 steps to choosing the right PPM software👈

A 3-step guide to choosing the right Project Portfolio Management platform - for project managers, PMOs, managers, CIO.