Organize a CIO : discover 3 effective actions

How to set up an efficient CIO organization? Strengthen your CIO with your project portfolio! 3 experts have organized a Webinar to share best practices in Portfolio Management. Not available? Discover the highlights of the webinar in this article.

👉 O n the program, 3 experts' views on how to organize an effective CIO :

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CIO has come out of the confinement stronger than ever. Their business continuity plans enabled millions of "tele-workers" to continue their activities. Here's a demonstration of the importance of "digital" and the crucial role of IT in performance. How can you rethink the priorities of your project portfolio? Are future budget constraints an opportunity to do better with less? How can you capitalize on the gains you've made in terms of IT's image, once you've emerged from the period of confinement?

Epidemic-related organizational impacts and review of priorities: a cause-and-effect relationship

COVID has accelerated the need for digitalization, and the priorities of CIO have been strongly impacted. Infrastructures, workstations, collaborative tools... all elements for which digitalization is synonymous with investment. While it used to be difficult to measure returns on investment, there is now a real awareness of the importance of digitization. Investing in these technical foundations is a necessity. It's a paradigm shift, as this expense item used to rank second. Sébastien Thouvenin - Parteam

CIO creates value, participating in projects that will create new functionalities, such as those linked to telecommuting. If we rush in without methods, we run the risk of slowing down project delivery. We need to include this in a "program". IT needs to contribute by providing methods to meet the company's strategic objectives. As far as methods are concerned, this needs to be managed within a portfolio. Jacques Beauchesne - QRP International

Organizing a typical CIO : categorizing and prioritizing with the MOP method

Project portfolios are becoming increasingly complex. They are subject to shorter decision-making cycles (linked in particular to new covid/teleworking/collaborative tool requirements) and tighter constraints (such as resources and financing). This means adjusting capacity to production needs, and facilitating and accelerating arbitration through clear portfolios.

The MoP® - Management of Portfolios - method takes a strategic approach to project and program management.

project management

To apply the principles and techniques that help optimize the organization's investment, this method aims to provide advice on change alongside the management of its day-to-day operations. The MoP method asks the fundamental questions: What resources are available? What is the impact on the organization? Are we realizing all the expected benefits in terms of improved service efficiency? And in terms of savings as a result of the changes implemented?

Find out more about the MOP Method with QRP International

The advantages of the MOP method :

Understanding stock to prioritize actions: focus on shadow projects

Shadow IT is a term frequently used to designate information and communication systems designed and implemented within organizations, without the approval of the IT department. But there are also "shadow projects", those famous projects that are underway but whose existence or governance rules are not really known.

Knowing what you're doing and which projects you're working on may seem obvious, but many CIO managers don't have an overall view of the projects in their portfolio! When auditing current projects, we notice a number of "shadow projects" that fly under the radar and pollute departmental operations, arbitration and prioritization.

You need to know everything about the work in progress, you need visibility on the portfolio? The answer is often negative! This enables us to highlight all the work that needs to be done, and to adapt the efforts of our teams to the actions that need to be implemented" - Mathieu Moison - VIRAGE Group

Positioning CIO within the organization: from supplier to value creator

Service should not be confused with servitude. CIO is a major contributor to value creation. We need to get involved in these decision-making circuits, in corporate governance. We need to bring in methodology, a change of posture, and transparency through reporting. Sébastien Thouvenin - Parteam

A CIO de transition will carry out a complete diagnosis of your needs, based on the situation of your company's IT assets and IS issues. He or she will implement an action plan designed to make your service more efficient. Discover Parteam's services.

Digitization and innovation CIO : Using a PPM tool to better organize your projects and teams

Webinar poll - Do you have a PPM platform?

*Question asked during the webinar to a panel of 80 professionals.

The main features of a PPM tool :

Discover Project Monitor, a PPM tool to help you manage your IT projects.

To organize an efficient CIO , Project Monitor allows you to:

Implementing a PPM tool will make it easier to control data, share information and highlight certain malfunctions, such as an overabundance of people in a given role or, on the contrary, missing people" - Mathieu Moison. VIRAGE Group

Achieving a successful CIO through data management: focus on time recording

Capacity schedule enables you to manage project resource capacity with peace of mind.

Thanks to time recordingCIO has an overall view of projects, enabling it to better arbitrate ROI: Who does what on which project? For how long?

Acquiring data has become a given, but it is sometimes unexploited or even unusable. It has to be reliable and tangible in order to steer projects and be the manager's second right-hand man. To avoid any loss of quality, it is imperative that data is mastered by project managers and not by a multitude of players. The PMO's role is to control, visualize and centralize.

With telecommuting, for example, we need to focus on managing geographically dispersed information. It's the compilation of information at all levels that will enable the department to function more effectively. - Mathieu Moison - VIRAGE Group

Discover Project Monitor

Questions and answers

"We were talking about a paradigm shift earlier. Aren't unofficial communications a way of filling a gap in communication and PPM tools? In this sense, doesn't proper change management involve opening up information to everyone?"

Good change management and support requires optimum involvement of key stakeholders. So, I'd say we need to enable these key stakeholders to contribute to the development of the best possible communication and thus act as Agents of Change. We cover this at QRP in our Change Management training course.

You talk about projects, but there's also the run. What is the "normal" or usual part of the run in relation to projects?

Indeed, the "run" is the operational part of CIO. The MoP (Portfolio Management) framework. This is the notion of "Balancing". Projects are all well and good, but Operations must be preserved first. In theory, MoP addresses this issue.