What is good purchasing strategy management?

The aim of a purchasing strategy is to achieve the performance objectives defined for the spending portfolio concerned. This spending portfolio is called a "Category" in purchasing language. It covers all expenditure on a given type of product or service.

Each category will have similar product ranges, and suppliers (often too many) capable of delivering these products. As an example, let's take a look at the PC and Laptop category.

Performance targets

Performance objectives will be achieved through the action of levers. Here are a few of them:

Each lever requires an action (or project):

Purchasing strategy

A purchasing strategy is made up of several levers. The resulting actions are all projects. Knowing whether the implementation of the strategy is progressing is equivalent to knowing whether the projects are progressing:

The generic purchasing process

The generic purchasing process is always a project.

Defining needs

  1. Search for qualified suppliers
  2. Consultation
  3. Tracking delivery performance
  4. Deployment
  5. Negotiation & contract
Read also: How do you manage purchasing projects?