Project planning and activity monitoring - Fix Challenge 2

Project planning... A vast subject that attracts so manychallenges including activity monitoring. How do you plan a project? How can you be sure that your project will deliver its "product" on time (and on schedule)? Oh yes, there's a good question for you. How much time is actually spent on projects? Because planning resources is all very well, but knowing what they're actually doing is also very useful. A new episode of Fix's challenges on the theme of planning resources

Project management: an endless source of challenges

We'd like to remind you of the challenge principle. At our annual customer convention, we asked the participants, experts in project management, to put their job into a slogan. These slogans were then submitted to the FIX press cartoonist for cartooning. The second challenge related to one of the key themes of Project Monitor 's latest developments: resource planning (and its innovative and operational response: progressive planning).

Without putting the cart before the horse, our project management experts' slogan sounds like a reminder of common sense. Why have a project plan and keep on "pedaling" when you can use a motor to boost steering efficiency?

Their slogan:

Planning without following the activity is like having a motorcycle licence and still riding your bike!

The answer in a drawing that (once again) takes our project management experts to new heights.

FIX cartoon - Resource planning

A good field sown, a good wheat yield! At the start of a project, with or without abacuses, we plan. During the execution phase, activity monitoring is used to track the difference between planned and actual. If the gap is too wide, the strategy is reviewed. Activity monitoring is the key to launching new projects! A central issue for PMO, resource planning was the subject of a round-table discussion between 3 project management experts.

Fix's other project portfolio management challenges

Challenge no. 1: The extreme PMO builder!

Challenge no. 3: The adventurers of the lost project

Challenge 4: Portfolio management, the dark side of projects