Project review under control

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Who hasn't attended a project meeting without an agenda? Who hasn't walked out of a steering committee meeting without a clear project decision? How do you organize a project review?

Monday morning, 9.45am, your diary sends you a reminder notification. You open the invitation: subject "project review", Athena room, starts in 15 minutes, ... But what about the list of projects discussed? What about the arbitrations to be carried out? And, above all, how can you be sure that the project review will not actually end at that time?

Léonce's project teams know all about the syndrome of poorly organized project committee meetings! But one day, at the start of yet another project review, the meeting began with a completely different twist. A well-established agenda! Attentive and concerned participants! And clear decisions recorded live! Their first project review with Project Monitor ? That deserves a "like"!

Project review with Project Monitor

What is a successful project review? A meeting that contributes effectively to project success. This means..:

"Our project points have been reduced from 3 hours to 1 hour by integrating Project Monitor into our management processes." Jean-Pierre Warion, Manager of the Micro-Computing and Messaging Division at CIO Würth

Find out how Würth animates its project reviews with Project Monitor

With Project Monitortake your project reviews to the next level:

Project Monitor is equipped with advanced features forproject review animation. Make life easier for your managers, PMOs and project leaders. Prepare, lead and decide in a single tool.

Steering committees and budget preparation?

Project reviews are not the only type of comitology. Steering committees dedicated to budget preparation are another example of an instance that can quickly turn into a nightmare. Why not apply the winning recipes of project reviews?

*Project Monitor : Project Portfolio Management software

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About the designer Fix

Fix - cartoonist - François Xavier Chenevat - caricaturist - Virage group