Unlimited plan modelling

Faites passer votre stratégie dans une autre dimension.
Oubliez les tableaux linéaires pour le pilotage de votre plan stratégique. Avec Perf Monitor, modélisez vos plans en reflétant fidèlement l’organisation, ses axes, thématiques et objectifs. Intégrez la transversalité, l’interdépendance, la géographie, les leviers et les responsabilités. Perf Monitor offre des référentiels et des structures types pour une planification stratégique simplifiée.

Perf Monitor Management of the Strategic Plan Structure

Easily deploy thousands of plans throughout your organization

Picto Declare your past times

Manage your strategy at every level 

Translate your strategy into concrete, measurable action plans. Track progress towards objectives at all levels of the company. Reduce the gap between strategy and execution. 

Picto Validate your Activity Reports

Global and Structured Vision 

Get a simple, global and structured view of all your plans thanks to a single software platform that centralizes all your data.  

Picto Follow updates

Tangible and Visible Strategy 

Give concrete expression to your strategy, using indicators that are visible and accessible to all employees, so that they can assess their contribution to the plan. 

Benefits of plan modeling functionality

✔ Structuring and Organization of Plans  

Easily organize your plans by strategic axis, BU, plant, entity, etc. Structure around strategic or operational objectives, assign individual responsibilities and create hierarchical or cross-functional structures to link plans and actions. 

sem perf monitor software

✔ Simplicity of Modularity and Reconfiguration 

Benefit from volumetric management, with the ability to mass-modify and import structures from Excel. 

✔ Flexible and Adaptable Modeling 

With Perf Monitor, you can create a tree structure that perfectly suits your organization. Create an unlimited number of hierarchical levels (plans, sub-plans, etc.).
Easily make the adjustments and modifications inherent in the life of a strategic plan. 

✔ Advanced Roles and Rights Management 

Assign visibility rights to a plan or part of a plan.
Assign validation rights to certain types of action and not to others, depending on user functions and requirements.  

✔ Expert support 

Benefit from expert support: VIRAGE group has developed a specific methodology for the successful deployment of Perf Monitor.

Other functions

VIRAGE Group edits and integrates solutions to build the future!

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