Moving from strategy to strategic execution 


The link between strategy and execution is inseparable from performance. ComEx's worst nightmare: being the next Kodak due to a flawed strategy!
And yet never has "tomorrow" been so closely associated with "uncertainty"! Strategic execution is repeatedly cited as failing in studies: 

"70% of companies report low confidence in their ability to bridge the gap between strategy and execution." (Gartner)* 


Moving from strategic intent to strategic execution

PERF Monitor, your SEM tool for strategy execution management

Strategic alignment 

For everyone to be aligned with the strategy, it must be tangible and legible. This requires all departments, teams and individuals to work together to achieve strategic objectives. We need to move from strategy to concrete actions orchestrated in plans.  

PERF Monitor aligns your organization with your strategy by : 

  • Strategic priorities and objectives 
  • Action plans adapted to the organization's entities 
  • In Actions linked to one or more plans, with performance drivers taking responsibility 
Screenshot Perf Monitor KPI planning
Screenshot Perf Monitor KPI tracking

Communication and governance 

To avoid the strategy being perceived as "something that comes from above...", it must be understood and adopted by the entire organization. In addition, feedback from the field must be simple and rapid, to inform the strategy steering bodies. 

PERF Monitor strengthens communication and animation: 

  • Centralize and make accessible data on strategic execution 
  • Lead strategic, tactical and operational governance bodies 
  • Distribute information in a variety of communication formats: dashboard, personalized navigation, integration with everyday tools (e-mail, office automation, etc.). 

Performance measurement and evaluation 

Regular measurement of progress is crucial to successful strategy execution. If measurement and monitoring are inadequate, the organization may not realize that it is off its strategic trajectory... until it's too late to correct course. Measuring performance means setting up indicators that reflect the ambition, level of achievement and operational progress of actions. 

PERF Monitor allows you to : 

  • Model any type of indicator and define performance trajectories. 
  • Rapid data collection by operational players using forms and evaluation campaigns.  
  • Automatically consolidate indicators for analysis ranging from global to detailed, from strategic to operational.  
Action dashboard capture

Strategy flexibility and adaptation 

Faced with the inability to foresee all market evolutions, a strategic requirement emerges: the ability to reconfigure. Two levels of adaptation need to be considered: adjustment of strategy if it proves inadequate, and adjustment of strategy execution if the organization fails to implement plans. This ability to reconfigure rapidly and in depth has become indispensable.  

PERF Monitor offers great flexibility for : 

  • Modify and adjust indicators and strategic objectives en masse 
  • Adjusting and coexisting frames of reference (organization, strategic axes, etc.) 
  • Handle large volumes of data to reflect changes in your strategic plans 

PERF Monitor's key features for moving from strategic intent to execution.

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