Our 20 years of experience in supporting organizations in their PPM process has forged our conviction that a successful PPM process involves more than just installing software. Our aim is to build a lasting relationship with our customers, of which the implementation project is the first step.
To guarantee the project's success and to get your teams on board, we propose a progressive roll-out based on your business needs. We can help you with these questions: How do you get users on board? Which functionalities should be implemented now, and which later? How will the software evolve according to your needs over the next 6 months, 1 year, 3 years and more?
A project portfolio management approach is intimately linked to the ambitions of your management team and your organization. You launch your projects to consolidate your strengths, implement new levers, etc. Whatever the initial impetus or motivation: your projects are an investment in your organization's future.
So why not give them every chance of success? Implementing a Project Portfolio Management platform means taking your project management to the next level! Improvements can be made in :
To make your "Dream" come true, you've surely identified the key points necessary for success. The tool is not everything, but it is essential! Take advantage of the opportunity offered by the implementation of a PPM tool to create leverage and boost the dynamics of a new sequence for your project portfolio management.
Some SaaS players limit implementation to two on-boarding conf-calls. And the rest is just solo tutorials....
For Virage Group , convinced of the specific nature of each of its customers, we support you in the deployment of your PPM approach.
A multidisciplinary team:
Needs assessment is carried out through documentary research and workshops with users. Designing together means transcribing your needs into the software and defining its integration into the information system in the case of installations. We then run training sessions to ensure that users are fully operational on the entire management system.
"Chloé is a very good trainer, she knew how to use an accessible language, show us the functionalities in a logical order so that we understand the meaning of the different menus."
"Good training atmosphere with Lucas. If I have any questions, I first look for the answers in the training support document, in the Knowledge Center, which are very well done!"
"Zyed's explanations were very clear, and I'm very satisfied with this first day of training. I'm already starting to get the hang of the tool."
Gathering means understanding your challenges and your business. This is achieved through documentary research and workshops with users. The aim is simple: to put your needs into perspective so that you can launch step 2.
Designing means transcribing your requirements into the software, and defining its integration into the information system in the case of installations. If the software standard doesn't cover all your needs, we work with you to define the enhancements required. You can also call on our steering expertise to define the principles of your strategy and your governance rules. This is done before the software is implemented.
Building with our offer is simple: we parameterize the tool with you, we present the result in the form of a functional prototype, then you manipulate the application during its development to confirm the orientations. To set up the parameters, our consultants work by business theme. You'll be able to project yourself into the target operation as soon as the parameters are set.
In the case of installation in the information system, it is at this stage that the software is integrated and installed.
Training means transferring to you the skills you need to use, operate and develop your application. Our training courses are designed with action in mind.
Why work on fictitious projects if you can create real ones as soon as you start training?
Our training goes beyond the simple acquisition of application functions. We conduct training sessions to ensure that users are fully operational with the entire management system: the tool, the processes and the players.
VIRAGE Group is an accredited training organization. We run training sessions for our customers and partners.
Average score of 8.3/10* given by training participants Virage Group
(* average score given in 2022)
Training compatible with face-to-face, distance or hybrid learning
Extended training resources: Knowledge Center, Masterclasses and Tutorials
Dedicated support
If you need assistance, you can create a ticket in our online system and track the status of requests in real time.
Knowledge Center
The Knowledge Center is available to all our customers, enabling them to download key documents such as technical guides and prerequisites.
Our customers and our teams can help you share best practices: case studies, webinars, masterclasses, user clubs, etc.
Throughout the year, we organize webinars and masterclasses with our customers to share their feedback. You can also take part in our " Virage Days", a series of testimonials, expertise and workshops that connect project and action plan managers. Combining conferences, workshops and networking, this event brings together experts in IT, PPM and project management.
Qualiopi attests to the quality and professionalism of a training provider complying with the criteria of the national quality reference system.
Qualiopi is the only certification that qualifies for public or mutualized funding (from the State, Pôle Emploi, OPCO, CPF, Caisse des dépôts, etc.).