Kanban board

The project management software Project Monitor enables visual and interactive project task management, for single or multi-projects.

Picto Project progress tracking

Which task is in progress or overdue? Use filters to display tasks linked to project status or cockpit alerts (storms, etc.) in just 1 click. Refine by team member.

Picto phases and milestones

Project Monitor allows you to type attributes, and consolidate them in table column headers. The attribute corresponds to a project cost and enables simple project tracking (days/manpower spent, velocity....).

pitcto dashboard library

Project Monitor allows you to define templates when creating tasks to capitalize on a common methodology within your teams.

kanban board
  1. Have a single-project or multi-project view, with visibility by priority, team member, alert indicator (storm...), or status (in progress...)
  1. Allow users to assign managers, and drag&drop cards according to their progress. Take advantage of a view by collaborator to establish the "to do" list.
  1. Analyze the costing by task, a numeric attribute can be found in the header of the table columns in a consolidated manner(velocity, time spent man/days, etc.).