New in V6.3.4 Project Monitor : Portfolio Review Slideshow

The project progress review is a collective and participative meeting point organized by the project manager with his project teams to monitor the progress of ongoing projects and prioritize them in relation to each other.
We are now going to introduce you to a significant development in the world of portfolio reviews: the portfolio review slideshow.

PPM Software Portfolio Review Slide Show Project Monitor

The portfolio review slide show is a tool for animating and prioritizing portfolio projects.

It introduces new features for portfolio review:

From now on, you'll be able to " stage" project dashboards more quickly. The slideshow is directly linked to a project portfolio. It's a powerful communication tool and an effective instrument for monitoring and evaluation.

This new "expression tool" brings together various indicators to facilitate portfolio management. It enables project managers to focus more quickly on what is important/not important and urgent/not urgent.

This evolution of Projet Monitor software greatly facilitates situation analysis and the decision-making process.

The new features of this tool

The new features in this latest version give you the opportunity to move your project management towards greater autonomy and efficiency. A version that will bring you even greater satisfaction in terms of the "triple constraint" (time, cost and project scope).

We provide new functionalities for the key phases of the review, including preparation, animation and communication:

Slideshow view

Advantage: All these elements together provide a broader, more complete vision for making the right decisions.

 portfolio review dashboard

Creating slideshow "templates

Benefit: You can display exactly the blocks you want to highlight, select the report type and select the desired properties.

Scope of project reviews within the portfolio

Advantage: A uniform view across all home pages for each project.
Make the right decisions quickly thanks to the consistent presentation.
Optimal navigation that enhances the user experience.

Review of the magazine

Advantage: This is the final phase of the review, consolidating the compiled minutes. This exchange recovers all the notes taken by the project managers. Each project enters a general report. A real time-saver with the general report, as the project manager can add notes on a multi-project scope before sending this general report.

Find out what's happened since last time

The project manager displays the last exchange to find out about previous decisions in preparation for his portfolio review. He retrieves the latest previous reports. This enables him to prepare his portfolio review with the project managers, and thus make the right strategic decisions.

slideshow view ppm tool

Take note of decisions on each project to form the review CR

Project managers fill in a report on their project before the project review.
During the review, on each slide show, the project manager retrieves the reports, modifies them, duplicates them or creates a new one to argue points of attention and take note of new decisions on each project. He can display up to 10 reports on the screen and adjust them on the basis of previous reports.

Scroll through the projects in the magazine in the order you have set

The project manager sets up his project review with the type of exchange he wants, a selection of participants, an order of presentation, a deadline and the project perimeters.
He defines an order of presentation based on the "break and sort" search functionality
(project attributes, project properties, weather, project manager selection).

A graphic and synthetic view of project status for arbitration purposes

The information blocks on the current projects dashboard provide a graphical and synthetic view of project progress to facilitate arbitration.
Key indicators (schedule, resources, budget and risk)

Use case: Organizing a portfolio review with a SlideShow


Patricia is responsible for a portfolio of 13 active projects, and Stéphane is one of the portfolio's project managers. Stéphane is a young project manager and is piloting 4 projects, 3 of which are overrun and therefore require special attention from Patricia. She prepares and compiles the PPT (PowerPoint®) slides of the project managers to animate the review. She prints out the slides and takes notes by hand, so as to be able to report back within 48 hours...

Problems encountered by the project portfolio manager

Slideshow benefits of the new Project Monitor V6.3.4 version

Patricia feels more efficient in preparing and running her review than she did last quarter.
Indeed, she now uses the new "Slideshow" display in the new Project Monitor V6 .3.4 version, inspired by PPT slides, to run her review.
Stéphane uses, prepares and sends the support with Project Monitor, also instead of PPTs.
And then, yesterday, Patricia took care to email the project managers again to update them on the progress of their projects.

It's 2.00 pm today, and Patricia is unrolling the monthly review of the projects in her portfolio... "
" ... The portfolio review is over, and Patricia is satisfied: she now has a good overview of project progress, and has made the right decisions. Stéphane knows the arbitrations and the action plan to turn around projects in difficulty... "

Thanks to the slideshow display of Project Monitor, the main benefits are :

A broader, more complete view to help you make the right decisions